Monday, July 8, 2019

The Role of Podcasts as A Mobile Learning Tool In Higher Education

Developments in wireless technology have resulted in mobile devices with added features (Wi-Fi, email, mobile applications among others) which have encouraged educators and researchers to take a pedagogical view toward developing educational applications for mobile devices to promote teaching and learning (Wu et al., 2012). 

As a result, a number of tertiary institutions are reducing their use of textbooks and investing in technology enhanced learning (Gray, 2017). Podcasting is an emerging tool that is described as one of the forefront technologies in this change; and is defined as a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device (Mineault, 2018). 

I've created the infographic below to highlight a few benefits of incorporating podcasts into the curriculum based on research conducted.

Abdi, S & Makiabadi, H. (2019) Learning English Listening and Speaking Through Bbc Voa Podcasts: An App Review. Teaching English with Technology, 19(2), 101-108.

Gray, C (2017, January 24). Podcasting In Education: What Are The Benefits? [Web log post]. The Podcast Host. Available from

Phillips, B. (2017). Student-Produced Podcasts in Language Learning – Exploring Student Perceptions of Podcast Activities. IAFOR Journal of Education, 5(3). doi:10.22492/ije.5.3.08

Mineault, R (2018, Jul 5). Intro To Podcasts. [Web log post]. Canadian Assistive Technology. Available from

Wu, W., Wu, Y. J., Chen, C., Kao, H., Lin, C., & Huang, S. (2012). Review of trends from mobile learning studies: A meta-analysis. Computers & Education, 59(2), 817-827. 

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