Monday, July 8, 2019

Mobile Technologies And Mobile Learning: How Has the Use Of Tablets Innovated Learning Within Secondary School Classrooms (Chapter Teaser)

By: J. Seif

Chapter 20 will examine the use of tablets, within Secondary Schools and their impact on mobile learning. Within 21st century Secondary Schools and learning environments, tablets have been positioned as the popular mobile device of choice to support teaching and learning.  For this analysis a mixture of studies, peer reviewed journals and articles were used to identify key themes that were viewed as having an impact on the usefulness of tablets within Secondary Schools.  Three (3) themes emerged out of the literature review.  The themes were related to how the perception of the usefulness of tablets among teachers and students impact on teaching and learning; how pedagogical supports or lack there of relating to tablet usage within Secondary classrooms impact on teaching and learning; and how an understanding of the 21st century skills or core learning competencies are supported through tablet usage within classrooms. The research suggested that teachers are primarily responsible for how tablets are incorporated into the curriculum and lesson plans.  The general sentiment found within the research revealed that teachers require administrative support and substantial technological training to successfully incorporate tablets into their spaces in order for students to buy-in and use the tablets to their full potential. The findings suggest that there is still much work to be done in this field of study.  In addition, it has been noted that student feedback, relating to recommendations for the successful implementation of tablet use within Secondary Schools, is often based on first hand experiences which has the potential to elicit additional qualitative research that can impact on future mobile device roll out policy and practices.


Follert, J. (2017, August 17). Durham school board set to give 10,000 students a Chromebook to use at school and home. Retrieved from

Karsenti, T., & Fievez, A. (2013, December 9). The iPad in education: Uses, benefits, and challenges: A survey of 6,057 students and 302 teachers in Quebec, Canada [PDF File]. Retrieved from

Montrieux, H., Vanderlinde, R., Schellens, T., & Marez, L. D. (2015). Teaching and Learning with Mobile Technology: A Qualitative Explorative Study about the Introduction of Tablet Devices in Secondary Education. Plos One, 10(12). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0144008

Semerci, A. (2018). Students’ views on the use of tablet computers in education. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 10(2), 104-114. doi:10.18844/wjet.v10i2.3420

Tkach, R. (2017). Use of Tablets to Support Students’ 21st Century Skills: A Look Behind the Screen at Knowledge Construction, Collaboration, and Skilled Communication in Language Arts and Science (Master's thesis, Brock University, 2017) (pp. 1-202). St. Catherines: Faculty of Education, Brock University. Retrieved from

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