Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Looking Forward: Technology and the Curriculum: Summer 2019 eBook

The following is an excerpt from my Introduction to the Technology and the Curriculum: Summer 2019 eBook project.

Why an Open Access eBook? 

This is the second volume of the Technology and the Curriculum eBook. When the first volume (Technologyand the Curriculum: Summer 2018) was first conceived, the aim was for EDUC 5303G to live up to its own mandate of meaningfully integrating technology into the course curriculum, and the overall learning experience. Digital communications tools, such as the Pressbooks platform, allow for a transformation of the traditional academic paper writing experience. Rather than writing a paper to demonstrate topic understanding, and competence with writing mechanics, for just an instructor’s review, technology enables course participants to write with purpose.

This eBook chapter writing endeavour allows participants in a course like EDUC 5303G to more fully engage with their peers in the writing process, in a manner that reflects the realities of academic writing beyond the classroom. The project also allows them to share their work with a global audience. This integration of technology forces students to take deeper ownership of their work, but also allows them to share the fruits of their labours with others who could benefit from their explorations of topics related to the meaningful use of technology in education.

Admittedly, when I first conceived of the idea of drafting, peer-reviewing, editing, compiling, and publishing a professional-quality eBook in just ten weeks – with a group of students who had likely never engaged in such an exercise before – I was not sure what result to expect. But, the Spring/Summer 2018 EDUC 5303G participants embraced the challenge. The final product was one that everyone was excited about, we launched the publication on scheduled at the end of the term. The eBook met not only with pride from the course participants, but with accolades from the Faculty of Education, and a multitude of inquiries about how to undertake similar activities from many different institutions.

There was never any question as to whether I would undertake this endeavour again with the next cohort of EDUC 5303G participants.

Rob Power, EdD
Adjunct Professor, Educational Technology
Ontario Tech University

You can check out this exciting work in progress at

Cover Art Acknowledgement

A huge shout-out to Tim Slade of The cover art for this year’s volume was adapted from his royalty-free 60+ Free Images for eLearning collection, which can be found on his 250+ Free Stock Photos for eLearning blog post.

Slade, Tim (2017, February 26). 250+ Free Stock Photos for eLearning. [Web log post]. Available from 

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