The benefits and
drawbacks of the integration of technology into both the curriculum, and
teaching and learning practice, continue to be contentious issues on multiple
fronts. On the one hand, there are those
who continue to subscribe to Clark’s (1994 a, b) contention that technology has
no impact whatsoever on learning achievement. Evidence may point to this
conclusion that technology integration results in no significant difference in
learning achievement compared to “traditional” classroom settings. However,
there are many more reasons why it is imperative that teachers and schools
thoughtfully plan for meaningful technology integration. Clark’s long-time
rival in the media effectiveness debate, Kozma (1994 a, b), points to the fact
that newer technologies enable pedagogical approaches and learning experiences
that previously were not possible (and for which there can be no
technology-free learning achievement comparison). These learning opportunities
include the ability for remote learners, and those facing accessibility
challenges, to be engaged on unprecedented levels. Another imperative for
meaningful technology integration is the preparation of learners to be
responsible digital citizens, who are empowered to leverage technology to meet
emerging needs in their lives, learning, work, and society.
About This eBook
Technology and theCurriculum: Summer 2018 has been written by participants in EDUC 5303G, a
course in the Masters of Education program at the University of Ontario
Institute of Technology. The mandate of EDUC 5303G is to
[examine] the theoretical foundations and practical questions concerning the educational use of technology. The main areas of focus… include learning theory and the use of technology, analysis of the learner, curriculum, and technology tools, leading-edge technology programs/initiatives, implementation, assessment, and barriers toward using technology. The overall focus of the course is on developing a critical, evidence-based, theoretically grounded perspective regarding the use of technology in the curriculum (EDUC 5303G Course Syllabus, Spring/Summer 2018).
Each chapter in this
eBook focuses was written by a course participant, and focuses on a topic
chosen by them that stems from the issues explored throughout the Spring/Summer
2018 term. The authors first submitted their chapter drafts for feedback from
the instructor. Each chapter also underwent a double-blind peer-review process,
before the final versions were added to the actual eBook here in Pressbooks.
Why an Open Access eBook
EDUC 5303G aims to
live up to its own mandate, and meaningfully integrate technology into the
course curriculum, and overall learning experience. Digital communications
tools, such as the Pressbooks platform, allow for a transformation of the
traditional academic paper writing experience. Rather than writing a paper to
demonstrate topic understanding, and competence with writing mechanics, for
just an instructor’s review, technology enables course participants to write
with purpose.
This eBook chapter
writing endeavour allows participants in a course like EDUC 5303G to more fully
engage with their peers in the writing process, in a manner that reflects the
realities of academic writing beyond the classroom. The project also allows them
to share their work with a global audience. This integration of technology
forces students to take deeper ownership of their work, but also allows them to
share the fruits of their labours with others who could benefit from their
explorations of topics related to the meaningful use of technology in
It gives me great
pleasure to facilitate access to the tools and processes used by provide the
EDUC 5303G Spring/Summer 2018 participants to produce this eBook, and to share
the resources they have compiled.
Rob Power, EdD
Adjunct Professor, Educational Technology
Adjunct Professor, Educational Technology
University of Ontario
Institute of Technology
Clark, R.E. (1994a).
Media will never influence learning. Educational
Technology Research and Development, 42(2), pp. 21-30.
Clark, R.E. (1994b).
Media and method. Educational Technology
Research and Development, 42(3), 7-10.
Kozma, R. (1994a).
Will media influence learning? Reframing the debate. Educational Technology Research and Development, 42(2), pp. 7 - 19.
Kozma, R. (1994b). A
reply: Media and methods. (1994). Educational
Technology Research and Development, 42(3), pp. 11 - 14.
Power, R. (Ed). (2018). Technology and the Curriculum: Summer 2018. [eBook]. Surrey, BC, Canada: Power Learning Solutions. Available from
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